Updated 03.2023, We have saved 37,000 cats globally!
Updated 10.2021, We have saved 11,000+ cats globally!
Updated 06.2021, We have saved 7,000+ cats globally!

In just over 11 months since starting our FIP treatment program for cats worldwide, we have successfully treated our 1000th cat. Through this experience, we have gained valuable insights on treating cats with FIPV. Here are some statistics from the past 11 months.
Treatment success rate: 87.7%
Relapse rate: 2.6%
Average Treatment Length (in weeks): 8.9 globally, 11.7 in Europe, 6.2 in Asia.
The success rate of FIP treatment is determined by cats who have finished their treatment as prescribed by their doctors and did not have a relapse within 3 months after leaving our FIP treatment program. However, some cats, particularly in Asia, were not included in this report because they did not complete the recommended 12-week treatment due to financial constraints or their doctor's decision.
FIP Treatment failures were caused by:
Starting the treatment too late. Usually due to misdiagnosis by doctors until the final stages of FIP infection. Cats usually dies within 4 days after commencing the treatment.
Owner's hesitation. Some owners took too long to decide because they received conflicting information about the treatment from their doctors, or conflicting information from competing brands' resellers. Some brands have resellers that are very aggressive and will spread rumours and bad-mouth competitors with unsubstantiated claims in order to make a sale.
Organ failures such as liver jaundice. FIP virus when treated late often cause kidney and liver damages. Once these organ fails, there is no way to save the cat.
Cat losing sprit to live. Some cats have strong will to survive than others. While it is hard to quantify the will to survive scientifically, we have seen cats living with FIP for 3 months without GS treatment, simple from the love and care of their owners, while some cats dies within a few weeks. Those cats that have strong will to survive often do, even when treatment was given during very late stages.
Other diseases. When cats suffered from multiple diseases, FIP became the tipping point disease. These cats became simply too difficult to treat and were euthanised.
Relapse rate is calculated based on completing the 84 days treatment according to the doctors, but exhibited FIP symptoms within 3 months after completing the FIP treatment.
Main causes of FIP relapses were:
Insufficient dosage. Especially for dry FIP cases where infection severity were difficult to assess accurately. Dry FIP cases makes up ≥2/3 of relapse cases. Wet FIP makes up ≤⅓ relapse cases.
Stopping the treatment too early. Sometimes owners stopped treatment due to financial reasons or their doctor's recommendations. These relapse cases usually see FIP symptoms returning within 4 weeks of treatment stoppage.
Organ damages, related and unrelated to FIP infection, left untreated during the FIP treatment.
Poor immunity caused by other chronic diseases.
Neutering within 3 months of FIP treatment completion. We strongly advise all cat owners not to neuter your cat within 90 days of treatment completion.
It was unexpected to discover that relapse cases in cats we have treated were not influenced by their breed or age. This is encouraging news for owners of older cats, kittens, and cat breeds that are highly susceptible to FIP, such as Scottish Fold, British Shorthair, and Maine Coon.
If your cat has recently been diagnosed with Feline Infectious Peritonitis, contact us to find out how you can treat FIP effectively and safely, and save your cat's life.
Published by: Curefipoceania.com
Visit us on FB: facebook.com/curefipoceania Keyword: FIP
Feline coronavirus
Antiviral treatment
Subcutaneous injections
Oral treatment
Cat health
Immune system
Cat owners
Pet care.